Attracting and Retaining Talent
Presented by: Stephen Epstein, Strogoff Consulting with panelists from ELS Architecture and Urban Design, Gould Evans, Harley Ellis Devereaux, and Mithun
AIA/CES Learning Units: 1.25 Hours
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Course release date: August, 2016.
Attracting and retaining talent is becoming an increasingly critical issue as both economic and demographic circumstances contribute to a growing talent shortage within the design professions.
This 75-minute panel discussion, produced in collaboration with the AIA California Council, features emerging leaders from four highly respected architecture firms. The panelists provide insights into what motivates design professionals to join a firm, remain committed to a firm, and assume increasing levels of leadership
This course builds on a June, 2016 survey conducted by Strogoff Consulting, Inc. in collaboration with the AIA California Council. The insights will resonate with emerging leaders evaluating their career plans, young professionals in their formative years, and firm leaders who want to attract and retain talent. The panel discussion is moderated by Stephen Epstein of Strogoff Consulting.
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