Density Done Right - Lightning Talks
Presented by: Michael Austin, Gregory Wharton, Ryan DiRaimo, Bradley Khouri, AIA, Lauren Keene, Carey Moran and Matt Hutchins, AIA
AIA/CES (HSW) Learning Units: 1.0 Hours
Course Preview
Course release date: July, 2019.
In this series of “lightning talks” filmed live at AIA Seattle’s 2019 Housing Forum, seven planners, designers, architects and builders provide distinct strategies for creating more sustainable, livable and affordable urban residential developments and safe pedestrian corridors. This course includes lightning fast talks about:
• Neighborhoods for All: Expanding Housing Opportunity in Seattle’s Single-Family Zones
• The Last Mile: Transit-Oriented Housing in the Urban Environment
• A New Aurora Avenue
• Adding Density in Seattle’s Single-Family Zones
• Thick as a Brick
• Residential Small Lot
Course Prices: $25 AIA members, $35 non-members (or purchase the series and save 20%)
Attended the 2019 Housing Forum and want to view the presentations again? Enter promotional code AIASEATTLE2019 at check out and get 50% off (Your name will be cross-checked against a list of attendees.)
(This continuing education course is licensed for viewing to a single individual. For discounted group viewing rates, please email Melissa@aecKnowledge.com or call 415.755.3058.)