Active Design 2: Creating Healthy Places Through Design
Presented by: Karen K. Lee, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, Joan Blumenfeld, FAIA, LEED
AIA/CES (HSW) Learning Units: 1.0 Hours
This video course includes a downloadable transcript.
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Course release date: February, 2012.
New York City’s award-winning Active Design Guidelines (www.nyc.gov/adg) offer a manual of strategies for creating healthier buildings, streets, and urban spaces, based on the latest academic research and best practices in the field. Active Design 2 is the second in a two-part series about how architects, designers, planners, developers, and other built environment professionals can encourage physical activity and improve access to healthy foods and beverages through design strategies. This one-hour session will cover in greater depth the Building Design chapter of the Active Design Guidelines, the new LEED Design for Health through Increased Physical Activity Innovation Credit, and several case studies of architecture projects that implemented the Guidelines’ strategies.
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(As licensing requirements differ by state, please check with your state licensing board to ensure that this course meets their specific continuing education requirements.)
Course Prices: $30 AIA members, $40 non-members
Series Prices (Two courses – 15% savings): $52 AIA members, $68 non-members